
Monday, May 18, 2020

Sea Salt History


Sea Salt has been used throughout the years not only as a taste enhancer for fish, but also for many other applications. Sea Salt has played an significant part in civilization since ancient times. Salt is not only important for preserving the equilibrium of fluids in the human body, it has often been used in religious rituals as a token of purity, in the garment industry, in mining, in soaps and detergents, as a preservative, and even as a currency. In addition to their salaries, Roman soldiers were also paying rations of salt, hence today's word for paid money, "salary." Salt was an immensely important product in ancient days, and in some civilizations Salt was almost worth its weight in gold!

Taxes were also imposed on salt in countries such as England and France, so much so that the French Revolution was ignited by French rulers establishing a monopoly on salt by selling manufacturing rights to a small number of those who abused those privileges, creating a salt shortage! Clearly, Sea Salt's economic value can not be understated in history.

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