
Monday, June 15, 2020


What is it?

Dulce De Leche (i.e. sweet milk) is produced by gradually heating milk, sugar and vanilla. The sweet mix thickens when it is mixed and gets a caramel hue owing to the caramelization of the sugar. While close in color to caramel sauce, Dulce De Leche is less sticky and has a lighter, cleaner taste.

Dulce De Leche is a regular feature in South America, and both Argentina and Uruguay have claimed its origin. Several stories inform us that Dulce De Leche was developed by mistake when a maid wanted to make lechada, a drink made from warm milk and sugar. She left the mixture unsupervised and returned to find the golden brown jam that we call Duche De Leche today.

Dulche De Leche is a classical dessert topping and is often used as an ingredient in cakes , biscuits, candy and ice cream. Our Dulce De Leche is a farmhouse product of La Salamandra, one of the most leading brands in Argentina. It is produced on the Argentinian estate, where fresh milk is used for its development. La Salamandra's Dulce De Leche is cooked in the true artisanal style, producing a creamy, velvety, luscious set. Use Dulce De Leche on biscuits, waffles, berries or ice cream, or spread over moist bread or toast for a tasty treat.

Rapidly being Argentina's most impressive product, delicious Dulce De Leche delights both young and old.

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