
Monday, August 17, 2020


Regarded as, the "mother of all grains" of the Incas, Quinoa,pronounced "KEEN-wah", was first grown as many as 9,000 years ago in the Andean regions of Peru, Chile and Bolivia in South America and was a valued crop as with potatoes and corn. Quinoa was planted at 10,000-20,000 feet and one of the few crops that flourished at such high altitudes.

Quinoa had the potential to withstand conditions such as frost, strong sunlight, and dehydration. Quinoa was also known for its many health benefits, so much so that Quinoa had a profound spiritual meaning for the Incas. Quinoa was the focal point of many religious rituals, since it was considered a holy food and a blessing from the Gods.

As Spain conquered the Andes in the 1500s, the fields of Quinoa were devastated and rituals of Quinoa were prohibited. Spain introduced wheat and barley to the Incas, but the Incas still grew Quinoa at higher altitudes, where they could conceal it from the Spaniards and continue to consume it in limited amounts.

The interest in Quinoa dwindled until the 1970s, when the US started importing it. Although Quinoa is grown in Canada and the Colorado Rockies, much of the Quinoa that is exported to the US still originates in South America.

Quinoa has an oval - shape and comes in many colours, including white , red and black, with white being the gentlest in flavor, and red and black being the crunchier and the nuttier. Organic Quinoa is a full protein source providing a full range of 9 essential amino acids. Organic quinoa is not only high in protein but also a healthy source of nutrients, carbohydrates, fat , vitamins and minerals.

A great superfood!

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